When cities expands and become more and more compact, occupying space full-filled by asphalt, it is necessary finding new ways to replace lost green space. One way is to create green roofs. There are millions of square metres of rooftops that can easily become natural green spaces.
Living green roofs can be found in many different shapes and sizes. Extensive green roofs are light-weight with a very thin layer of soil using primarily drought resistant plant species such as sedums and mosses. These roofs survive on natural rainfall and do not need more maintenance than an annual check and a limited feed with nutrients.
At the other end of the weight scale is intensive roof vegetation, roof gardens or even parks. These, of course, need as much maintenance, watering and weeding as other gardens.
The creation of the world’s first botanical roof garden started in May 1999 in conjunction with a green roof seminar in Augustenborg in Malmö. The roof garden, covering almost one hectare, was opened to the public in April 2001 and is a unique attraction for Malmö and Sweden.
The project of roof gardens is led by the Scandinavian Green Roof Association, a not-for-profit organisation working to develop knowledge and spread information and inspiration about green roofs in order to improve the environment in our cities. They train architects, property owners, urban planners and other professionals, as well as students who will shape the cities of the future. They also welcome children and anyone else who is interested in plants, gardens and technological solutions for sustainable development.
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