Architects Declare is a network of architectural practices committed to addressing the climate and biodiversity emergency.
Originated by architects Steve Tompkins and Michael Pawlyn, and launched on 30 May 2019 by the then 17 UK recipients of the Stirling Prize, it quickly attracted hundreds of other architectural practices from across the UK.
Under the wider banner of ‘Built Environment Declares’, it has now spread to more than 28 different countries, with over 7,000 signatories, and has been adopted by other built environment disciplines that have signed up to variations on the original 11-point declaration. In 2021, we added a 12th declaration point in the UK, to address the urgent need for greater climate justice in the built environment.
AD’s Steering Group – volunteers drawn from a mix of small and large signatory practices – is committed to advancing their declaration and promoting activities and dialogue to bring about the change it demands. Supported by AD’s part-time manager, the group meets regularly to plan and deliver their programme, anticipate and respond to developments in policy and practice across the built environment sector, and engage key stakeholders and the media.
Since it was born AD has been holding a series of events and masterclasses expanding on the principles in their Practice Guide.
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Main source: https://www.architectsdeclare.com/
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